Sunday, January 25, 2015


Peter and the Keys - PETER AND THE KEYS And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter [Petros:- a piece of rock] , and upon this rock [Petra:- mass of rock] I will build my church; and the gates of hell [hades:- grave] shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:18, 19). The Roman Catholic Church uses this text from the gospel of Matthew to prove that the Popes receive a direct line of authority given to Peter, and as such they receive the “Keys of the Kingdom.” As they do the cross, the Roman Church places the insignia of the “Keys” upon almost everything. The Roman Church and the Seventh-day Adventist Church believe that “whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” But how does the Spirit of Prophecy comment on these texts? “When every specification which Christ has given has been carried out in the true, Christian spirit,” Ellen White wrote, “then, and then only, Heaven ratifies the decision of the church, because its members have the mind of Christ, and do as He would do were He upon the earth.” (Letter 1c, 1890; Selected Messages, Bk. 3, page 22, emphasis supplied). “As surely as men in responsible positions become lifted up in their own esteem, and act as though they were to lord it over their brethren,” Ellen White commented, “they will render many decisions which heaven cannot ratify.” (The Home Missionary, February 1, 1892, emphasis supplied). Notice the counsel is that, “When every specification which Christ has given has been carried out in the true, Christian spirit . . . because its members have the mind of Christ,” and only as the Chapter 19 The Remnant Church – Corporate or Spiritual? -394- leadership “do as He would do were He upon the earth . . . then, and then only, Heaven ratifies the decision of the church.” (ibid., Letter 1c, 1890). However, “As surely as men in responsible positions become lifted up in their own esteem, and act as though they were to lord it over their brethren, they will render many decisions which heaven cannot ratify.” (ibid., The Home Missionary, 2/1/92). If the leadership of the Church does not possess the Keys, who then does have the Keys? Who Has the Keys? “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen,” Jesus replies, “and have the keys of hell [hades:- grave] and of death.” (Revelation 1:18) The Voice Of God On Earth - THE VOICE OF GOD ON EARTH Is the General Conference, while in session, the voice of God to Seventh-day Adventists? The leadership of the Church claim that it is. “The General Conference, while in secession, is God’s voice on earth to Seventh-day Adventists in all matters of faith and practice,” William G. Johnsson, Editor of the Adventist Review stated. “The 27 Statement of Fundamental Beliefs are to be adhered to by all employees and members of the church, under threat of discipline by the local church board or ruling conference committee.” (William Johnsson to Dr. Walter R. Martin, (author, The Kingdom of the Cults). Statement made on The John Ankerberg Show. (CBN Television Network, 1986). Does God indeed speak through the General Conference? Does the Spirit of Prophecy endorse the view that “The General Conference, while in secession, is God’s voice on earth to Seventhday Adventists? “The people have lost confidence in those who have the management of the work,” Ellen White stated. “Yet we hear that the voice of the Conference is the voice of God. Every time I have heard this, I have thought it was almost blasphemy. (Manuscript 37, 1901, p. 8: Manuscript Release 365, emphasis supplied). “And in reference to our conference,” Ellen White wrote, “it is repeated o’er and o’er and o’er again, that it is the voice of God, and therefore everything must be referred to the conference and have the conference voice in regard to permission or restriction or what shall be and what shall not be done in the various fields . . . the principle is wrong.” (Spalding-Magan manuscript, p. 163, emphasis supplied). The Lord declares that His church is not to be governed by human rules or precedents. Men are not capable of ruling the church. God is our Ruler. I am oppressed with the thought of the objectionable human management seen in our work. God says, Hands off. Rule yourselves before you attempt to rule others. Strange things have been done, things that God abhors. For men to claim that the voice of their councils in their past management is the voice of God seems to me to be almost blasphemy. Ellen G. White, Manuscript 35, 1901 (emphasis supplied). One hundred years ago Ellen White stated, “As for the voice of the General Conference, there is no voice from God through that body that is reliable.” (Manuscript Releases Vol. 17, p. 178, emphasis supplied). What would she say today? Is the General Conference more spiritual, more in touch with Christ today than they were one hundred years ago? I think not. Chapter 19 The Remnant Church – Corporate or Spiritual? -395- “They [the General Conference] have sought to establish their own authority, while betraying the cause of God,” Ellen wrote one hundred years ago. “While making decisions, and devising and planning, they have tried to make their oppressive human orders as the voice of God to His people.” (ibid., MR,, Vol. 17, p. 209, emphasis supplied). “The man who magnifies his own office in working in any line to bind about the conscience of another, be he the president of the General Conference, president of a smaller conference, or the elder or deacon or lay member of a church, he is out of God’s line..,” Ellen White concluded. “But in the present condition of things, if one stands fast to his integrity, he is by some scorned, scouted, criticized, and dropped out if it can be brought about.” (ibid., MR, Vol. 17. p. 225, emphasis supplied). This principle is still true today. One only has to observe the number of persons excommunicated from the Church in recent years. It is more than clear from these statements that Ellen White did not believe that the General Conference is the voice of God to the people. Why is it that throughout the history of the Christian church, leadership insists on appointing to themselves the place of God on earth? This, without doubt, is one of the identifying marks of Antichrist. The True Condition Of the Corporate “Laodicean” SDA Church If God is not speaking through the General Conference, then who’s voice is being heard? It is possible for the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to be led by Satan. The leadership of men is not infallible. If this were true we would be Roman Catholics. They were the first to believe that their Church leaders were infallible. The result of this has been in various ways. The sacred character of the cause of God is no longer realized at the center of the work. The voice from Battle Creek [or Silver Spring], which has been regarded as authority in counseling how the work should be done, is no longer the voice of God; but it is the voice of– whom? From whence does it come, and where is its vital power? This state of things is maintained by men who should have been disconnected from the work long ago. These men do not scruple to quote the word of God as their authority, but the god who is leading them is a false god. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, Vol. 17 (pages 185, 106) (emphasis supplied). Notice that the establishment of the Church structure was intended for “authority in counseling how the work should be done.” Never was the authority of Church leadership intended to dictate doctrine in a creed, a Statement of Beliefs, or a Church Manual, telling the people what they should have, or what they should believe. “Under the cloak of Christianity and sanctification, far-spreading and manifest ungodliness will prevail to a terrible degree and will continue until Christ comes to be glorified in all them that believe,” Ellen White warned. “In the very courts of the temple [Church], scenes will be enacted that few realize.” (Manuscript 15, 1886, emphasis supplied). “God’s people will, be proved and tested, that He may discern ‘between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not,’” Ellen White concluded. “Vengeance will be executed against those who sit in the gates deciding what the people should have [believe].” (ibid., Manuscript 15, 1886, emphasis supplied). The Bible Alone Is the Voice Of God To the People Chapter 19 The Remnant Church – Corporate or Spiritual? -396- “We are not to turn from One Mighty in counsel to ask guidance of men,” Ellen White replies. “Let those who are inclined to do this read and receive the Bible as the word of God to them. The Bible is the voice of God to His people.” (Review and Herald, Vol. 5, p. 224, emphasis supplied). The Bible is the voice of God to his people. Amazing! Has not this always been the by-word of all true Protestant Christians? But the Seventh-day Adventists have taken the Reformation a step further – “the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Jesus Is the Head and Foundation Stone Of the Church “Consider, my brethren and sisters, that the Lord has a people, a chosen people, to be His own, His own fortress, which He holds in a sin-stricken, revolted world,” Ellen White stated, “and He intended that no authority should be known in it but His own.” (Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 15,16, emphasis supplied). The church is built upon Christ as its foundation; it is to obey Christ as its head. It is not to depend upon men, nor be controlled by men. Many claim that a position of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what they shall do. This claim God does not sanction. The Saviour declares, ‘All ye are brethren.’ All are exposed to temptation, and are liable to err. Upon no finite being can we depend for guidance. The rock of faith is the living presence of Christ in the church. Upon this the weakest may depend, and those who think themselves the strongest will prove to be the wea kest, unless they make Christ their efficiency. ‘Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.’ The Lord is ‘the Rock, his work is perfect,’ ‘blessed are all they that put their trust in him.’” Ellen G. White, Desire of Ages (page 491) (emphasis supplied). Is the apostle Peter the rock upon which the church is built? No. The church is not built on weak and finite man. Jesus Christ is the rock upon which the church is built. “Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded,” the apostle Peter said. “He is the chief corner stone.” (I Peter 2:6). On Christ the solid rock I stand,all other ground is sinking sand.

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